Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I constantly hear of budget So I figured I would address some information about this.  Unfortunately this is the first step in planning any wedding. The budget is very important so it is important to make sure you allocated an IDEAL amount of spending towards the wedding. Once again THIS IS VERY DIFFICULT . As wedding vendors and wedding professionals. We completely understand the struggles of this tight situation .  However,  even more important when planning on a short time line. Sometimes you don't have enough time to plan everything out and go out there and visit different vendors to see and receive the best deals .  Because of the short time frame the money you spend won't be spread out over a year or two. This is something very difficult to accept and difficult grasp. Imagine you start to book different vendors and all of sudden you just saw your checking account and you are 5k-6k in a whole.  You need to look at what funds you have to spend and be able to live and pay your bills as well . You have rent, mortgage, honeymoon to plan , phone bills and ETC. You may need to scale down the vision of your wedding. It's very easy to rely on credit but you need to seriously consider if entering into a marriage with a debt is something to look forward too. Also don't rely on the gift and envelops of guests. I know what you are all thinking , " Well receive X-$$$ of dollars. Perhaps that would cover the party expenses. " No one wants to start a marriage in bankruptcy. The number one reason for young marriages failing is financial stress. Keep your eye on the ball. I read a few articles online and this one came to mind and I'm quoting from it .  "Does your financial security determine your personal security? If you’re like us, you probably want to answer ‘No’, but have to answer ‘Yes’…" Please read it  HERE. So it is very important for a healthy marriage to spend wisely. I'm not saying to go on craigslist and hire a photographer for 250$ .  Just think of what's important and start with that . According to your budget .

Filippo Barbarotto
Origin photos 

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