Poses for wedding
Hey there! Let’s cut to the chase. Your wondering different poses for wedding?
I’m sure you’ve read at least a dozen articles and blogs on exactly how to create the perfect poses for your big day.
Well, let me assure you…your stop is here! Lets learn poses for wedding
For years, newly wed couples have created and recreated the perfect images that have inspired and lasted countless years! Here are few brief and easy tips to keep in mind when posing for the best day of your life!
- Remember the first time we met?
Of course you do. This may spark up some pretty strong feelings. But no worries, just embrace it! That’s what your photographer is so desperate and passionate to capture. Shake of your nerves and remember who’s holding your hand the rest of the way. Then when you do this you wont think at all about poses for wedding because your focus will be about each other. This is the photographer's dream .

- Time for some fake laughs! LOL
Remember they’re not just your lover but more importantly, they are your best friend. So have fun, jump around and don’t be afraid to share that adorable, quirky laugh you try so desperately to hide. Remember, these photos are for you. Make the moments count. Then the poses for wedding will become almost natural .

- Less is more.
You don’t have to exactly latch onto your significant other to prove a point. It could very easily be a soft hand gesture, a kiss on the back or even walking on opposite sides. You guys know each other best..
- Then again…
If you like intimacy, we LOVE intimacy. For this particular pose, don’t be afraid to lose yourself. Picture it as if you were in the classics, like Casablanca or Gone with the Wind! A shot up against a wall or leaning on a ledge always works best!
- www.originphotos.com
Speaking of settings…
- Let’s talk atmosphere.
Use it!! Take advantage of the natural lighting, the soft breeze, even the random benches or sculptures laying about! Don’t be afraid to make some bold choices, but remember! Be aware of your surroundings!

- Some basic poses
Now that we got the mindset down, the pose is key. You of course want your best angle and we want to capture it. So don’t over think! Here’s what to keep in mind.
- Hands on the hip is a must!
- Show off your dress!
- Tell us your story with your eyes.

Now that you got the basics down, I will leave you with one last and final thought!

- Be in the moment.
This is the day you will remember for the rest of your life. Don’t over think it, just remember to enjoy yourself.
Congrats! And here’s to many long years!!